IIT Madras

IIT Hyderabad

IIT Bombay

IIT Indore

IIT Gandhinagar

IIT Guwahati

IIT Ropar

Kotak - IIT Madras Save Energy Mission (KISEM)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


The subject plant is located in district of and falls under NIC Category-24319. This assessment was carried out by the IEAC Center, IIT Bombay, during the course of the year 2023.

General Info

Principal Product


Plant Area (Sq.ft)


No. of Employees


Production Hours


Annual Production

Annual Sales


Assessment Summary

Total Energy Costs(per year)


Total Recommended Investment(one time)


Total Recommended Savings(per year)


Energy Costs Calculation

Annual Usage




Unit Cost


Annual Cost


Total Energy Costs(per year)


Observations & Recommendations
CPF - Capacitor & Power Factor
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Plant Reactive Power is both leading as well as lagging and many capacitors in capacitor bank were deratedAPFC mechanism should be rechecked and corrected. Similarly all the derated capacitors should be replaced with 3 phase sensing.5,198₹53,015₹50,00011.3
Supply side Current Harmonics are high around 18 % where std is 8%Fifth Harmonics have the major role. Harmonics filter can be installed
BR - Boiler & Steam Line
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Ladle wall Temp is above 260 deg C and nozzle wall temperature is above 350 deg CUse ceramic fiber materials for lining the Laddle.9,918₹1,01,164₹20,0002.4
Furnace 1 Wall temperature is too highUse ceramic fiber materials for lining the furnace.3,603₹36,751₹20,0006.5
CR - Compressor
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Leakage in compressor is too highArrest air leakages periodically1,29,600₹13,21,920₹10,0000.1
MT - Motors
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Sand mixer machine load is varying.VFD is recommended for the whole system47,629₹4,85,820₹2,00,0004.9
Moulding machine is Semi automatic and most of the time metal is waiting for Mould.Fully automatic moulding machine with mold handling system is recommended.5,60,000₹57,12,000₹10,00,0002.1