IIT Madras

IIT Hyderabad

IIT Bombay

IIT Indore

IIT Gandhinagar

IIT Guwahati

IIT Ropar

Kotak - IIT Madras Save Energy Mission (KISEM)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


The subject plant is located in district of and falls under NIC Category-24319. This assessment was carried out by the IEAC Center, IIT Indore, during the course of the year 2023.

General Info

Principal Product

Coper strips and foils

Plant Area (Sq.ft)


No. of Employees


Production Hours


Annual Production


Annual Sales


Assessment Summary

Total Energy Costs(per year)


Total Recommended Investment(one time)


Total Recommended Savings(per year)


Energy Costs Calculation

Annual Usage




Unit Cost


Annual Cost



Annual Usage




Unit Cost


Annual Cost


Total Energy Costs(per year)


Observations & Recommendations
CR - Compressor
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Overall air leakages are found to be high at different points of the circuitArrest air leakages regularly by conducting maintenance of compressed air system consisting of the plant circuit, and fittings.76,927₹6,07,725₹1,20,0003
BR - Boiler & Steam Line
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Specific Energy Consumption of the 80kW - Upcaster unit - 1 was found to be 0.709 kWh/kg of product drawn and Specific Energy Cost is Rs.5.6/kg, due to low draw rateOptimize the loading of furnace by slightly increasing the draw rate from 20 m/hr to 26 m/hr and reduce specific energy consumption near to 0.5 kWh/kg and specific energy cost to Rs.3.95/kg107575₹753022
Energy loss as heat through un-insulated surfaces of the melting chamber of Up-caster Units - 1 and 2Provide thermal insulation to the melting chamber84684₹669001₹2000004
MT - Motors
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Mechanical Power Transmission Slip found to be high in FPM - 3 machineReduce slip by changing conventional V-belt with cogged V - belt and reduce speed of drive in the existing VFD6351₹50174₹15001
TR - Transformer
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Losses are found to be higher than standard limitsUndergo routine maintenance, oil filtration, breather replacement, overall check-up etc.217073₹1714875₹400001
DG - Diesel Generator
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Specific Fuel Consumption is found very high than standard limitsUndergo routine maintenance, oil and oil filter change, coolant change, air filter cleaning or changing, diesel pump and injection tuning, overall lubing, overall check-up etc.1447₹137554₹30,0003
DM - Demand Management
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Upcaster Unit - 1 (80kW) is operated in ON/OFF control modeInstall a Thyristor based Power Converter with suitable controller for smooth ramp power modulation and integrate with the available PID Controllers to reduce Maximum Demand by 19 kVA and save demand charges.₹537300₹2,00,0005
LT - Lighting
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Some Down Lights are switched ON unnecessarily in the daytime even though enough daylight is available (Upcasting and Extrusion areas)Switch OFF the unwanted lights9500₹75050₹150003
HVC - Heating Ventilation & Cooling
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Conventional Ceiling fans are usedReplace with Energy Efficient BLDC Ceiling fans5184₹44154₹5120014
Conventional Wall fans are used in the Office SpacesReplace with Energy Efficient BLDC Wall fans900₹8110₹1600024
CT - Cooling Tower
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Inefficient Pump in the Cooling Tower CircuitReplace CT Pump without affecting water flow rate, which can maintain the Range temperature of the CT70882₹559967₹2000005
Multiple Pump used in Single Circuit and same well is used for hot and cold waterProvide only one pump in the CT circuit before Heat Exchanger. Bypass hot well and pump, release hot water directly to input of CT
Bypassing of pressurised water from pump discharge lineAvoid bypassing of water from 120kW furnace coil discharge line and use appropriate pump for the required flow. Note: Bypassing of pressurised water is done in multiple pumps.
The cooling Tower fan operate 24X7 irrespective to loadOperate CT fan according to approach temperature. If approach drop below 2°C, then CT fan will be switched OFF2595₹20502₹70005
In the whole circuit of cooling tower RO Water is used. Ro water is used from Cooling tower to Extrusion and bench draw machineUse Raw Water instead of RO water in Cooling Tower. Use raw water in the cooling tower side only (since heat exchanger is available)20576₹162550
ALS - Alternate Source of Power
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Electricity is consumed from utility grid alone and there is no source of renewable energy in the plantInstall a Rooftop 98 kWp grid tied Solar PV power plant at the free space available on the top of the plant roofing to harvest clean renewable energy117600₹929040₹490000064